Isoland increases research and development of material handling automation

2020 is a year that forces all of us to reassess efficiency. Responding to the new crown epidemic, reduced workplace productivity or society The challenge of distancing measures in place means that we are all adopting new technologies and different methods to make our work smarter. In recent years, automation and telematics have got rid of the costly and cumbersome moment of integrating them into material handling operations. Board impression. Although their use in the industry continued to increase before the pandemic, it is now for logistics operators to improve their solutions. The best time for a case. Automation and robotics solutions are becoming more and more affordable for warehouse operations. "As consumers, we ask for more Choose more, it will be delivered the next day, and the goods can be returned. To support these trends, robotic forklifts can perform those repetitive, Repeatable tasks, such as delivering goods to people, enabling companies to redistribute people to more value-added services, At the same time increase productivity and picking accuracy. " Telematics and automation should no longer be regarded as optional add-ons, but an important and complete part of any material handling fleet. Fully integrated aspects. ISOLAND is investing heavily in future development and research to continue to bring new innovative solutions to the market Program-to enable all of us to continue to provide services to our own customers.

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