The utilization rate of electric forklifts is continuously increasing

The rise of electric forklifts can be attributed to many different factors-increasing environmental problems, rising fuel prices, and employee benefits. The improvement of knowledge. Advances in battery technology, such as the further development of lithium-ion and (current) further development of hydrogen fuel cells, It has also led to greater interest in electric forklifts. Of course, environmental issues have been on the agenda of companies for many years, but recent discussions on the introduction of a "carbon emission tax" have also seen There has been a sharp increase in forklift users, which compares similar carbon emissions as part of their forklift fleet procurement process. Inside Gas-turbine forklifts rarely rank among the top in such tests, considering that electric forklifts have always been considered to be better than all “green” issues. Internal combustion engine forklifts have more advantages. However, the growth of the electric forklift market is only because of the decline in diesel sales. The conclusion is wrong: the latest developments in technology mean that electric Mobile forklifts are now a highly complex product that can provide real commercial benefits to the widest range of users. In addition, today’s Battery-powered forklifts can operate efficiently in harsh environments that only diesel forklifts were suitable for in the past. Perhaps the biggest technological advancement behind the surge in sales of electric forklifts is the arrival of lithium-ion batteries. Although lead-acid is still an electric forklift The dominant battery type in the market, but the sales of lithium-ion forklifts have continued to rise for some time. Although it is estimated that all electric forklifts operating in 90% of the world still use lead-acid batteries, the lithium-ion solution The case has now become a viable alternative. Hydrogen fuel cells are also becoming another viable alternative to lead-acid batteries. At present, due to the need for hydrogen production and storage systems Significant investment. Hydrogen becomes financially viable only in areas where more than 90 forklifts operate at one location. Therefore, the potential The user market is currently restricted to a certain extent. Of course, as with any new development, when the product matures, the price will drop, and there is every reason to believe that in the near future In the future, every company with a forklift fleet can use hydrogen fuel cells. Although the whole world is eager to eliminate (or at least eliminate Reduction) the use of fossil fuels and the benefits of electric forklifts for users in terms of operating costs, productivity, and pollution reduction. Countless benefits, but we are unlikely to witness the last days of diesel-powered forklifts. There are still many applications, especially when it involves overweight lifting and requires a forklift capacity of 8 tons or more. Diesel forklifts Still the best choice.

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