ISOLAND为客户提供十二个月(1年)或2000小时的质保期,如果备件在正常运行过程中 出现材料或工艺缺陷,我们将酌情判断进行免费维修。
ISOLAND grants our clients a twelve-month-period(1 year)or 2000-hours warranty pe- riod,in case the defect of material or workman-shiphas occurred with spare parts in normal oper-ation,the defective part will be repaired free of charge as compensation, at our discretion.
Spare parts
ISOLAND致力于为我们的客户提供高质量、精确适用和功能合适的正品备件。凭借我们 的全球分销网络,无论您在哪里,都可以提供快速交货和服务的保证。请向我们提交您的 备件需求,并列出产品名称、型号、设备序列号、所需备件说明,我们保证您的请求将得 到迅速和适当的处理。
ISOLAND is dedicated to provide our clients with genuine spare parts with the highest quality,exact fitness and appropriate function.With our global distributor network,you are guaranteed with fast deliveries and services,wherever you are.Please submit your spare parts request to us,and list product name,model,equipment serial number,desc- ription of required parts.We guarantee that your request will be handled-quickly and appropnately.
ISOLAND能够为您提供复杂机械设备整体安装的咨询服务,让您启动机械的正常运行。安装 完成后,我们将协助您对整机进行检验,操作设备,并为您提供安装运行的检测数据报告。 根据双方的协议,我们也可以派工程师到客户现场进行维护工作。
ISOLAND is able to provide you consultation service with the overall installation of complica- ted machinery and equipment,allowing you to start the proper operation of construction machine.After installation,we will assit you make inspaction of the whole machine,operate equipment,and provide you with testing data reports of installation and operation.We can also   send engineers to client's site to do maintenance work as the agreement of our two sides.
ISOLAND提供完善的设施和舒适的环境,可以为不同的用户提供培训服务。培训课程包括产 品培训、操作培训、维护知识、专业技术培训、标准法规培训和其他培训,都是根据您的个人 需求量身定制的,培训项目可以在工厂现场进行,也可以在客户现场进行。
ISOLAND offers perfect facilities and comfortable environment and can provide training services to different users.The training sessions include product training,operation training, maintenance know-how,technical know-how training,standards,laws and regulations training and other trainings,all of which are tailored to fulfill yourindividual needs,Training programs can be conducted in our factory field,or at the client's site.

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